
Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman Report into the care and subsequent death of Matthew can be found here.

The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC)

follow up  report to PHSO Missed Opportunity report.

Warren Seddon, Director of Strategy and Communications at the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, said:

‘We welcome PACAC’s support for the recommendations in our report. These vulnerable young men and their families were badly let down by North Essex Partnership Trust. The lack of timely safety improvements following their deaths is completely unacceptable and it’s important the NHS understands why this happened and what lessons can be learned to prevent the same mistakes happening again.’

Written Evidence from Mrs Melanie Leahy (NEP 05) Follow Up to PHSO Report,


Health and Safety Executive have an ongoing investigation into deaths at the Linden Center going back to 2004.

More information here….


Monitor – Government Investigation of NEPFT

