Possible link between B12 deficiency and poor mental health
In November 2012 Matthew Leahy was admitted to a Mental Health Unit – The Linden Centre, Essex where he was found hanged seven days later. He was just 20 years old!

Matthew’s mother Melanie has since become aware of his low vitamin B12 levels, and probable coeliac disease. His symptoms included; psychosis, depression, insomnia, exhaustion, constipation and stomach problems.
From Matthew’s records it appears the first sign of B12 deficiency was recorded in
May 2011 at a level of 127pg/ml, reference range 180 -914.
In June 2011 low B12 was recorded again.
In Matthew’s notes it states that in
July 2011 his B12 level was 154pg/ml
and that B12 was prescribed, however, this was not given by injection, if at all, because in
August 2011 Matthew’s B12 level had dropped to 122pg/ml.
It is also clear from Matthew’s notes that his thyroid function was impacted.
Matthew’s B12 levels were below range and dropping. See the note to the GP that they state“T4/TSH and B12 were ‘slightly abnormal and kindly arrange follow up blood test”. BUT NO treatment for these was instructed or given.

You can see that below an extremely low level of 122pg/ml is recorded as ‘normal’.
Matthew was heavily symptomatic for both B12 deficiency and thyroid dysfunction and despite repeated testing, correct treatment was not given.
Melanie’s aim is to have a Public Enquiry into the failings surrounding Matthew’s death in order to help stop this happening again.
The connection between poor mental health and low B12 was made over 100 years ago but too many remain untreated despite severe symptoms and low B12 levels. Please see; http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1s0ggga
If you or your loved ones are experiencing mental health problems and B12 deficiency hasn’t been explored please see; https://www.b12deficiency.info/b12-and-mental-health/ and;