Dear Friend,
I am Campaigning for a Public Inquiry and for changes to mental health services after the death of my son, Matthew Leahy.
Endorsements for this campaign can be found here.
My son died after a mere, 7 day inpatient stay in the Galleywood Ward, Linden Centre in Chelmsford. Essex. He was 20 years old and had his whole life ahead of him.
The care provided to my son was poor in so many areas and ultimately led to his death.

57k plus signatures in last 2 days.
Click this link to watch it happen.
Oh my God! xxx
There can be no greater failing than the death of an inpatient whilst in a place of safety. My son was incarcerated in a place that was far from safe!
The multiple failings in care uncovered in Matthews case are not unique.

These failings are not just happening here in Essex.
The same failings are happening up and down the country.
“We all need a mental health service that is fit for purpose. That is safe, and is addressing the needs of patients. This needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.”
“Families must also be listened to.”
- Documents were falsified after my son’s death
- A serious incident report carried out by the Trust was seriously flawed.
- A Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman Report, although covering a lot of the failures, has failed to address all of my concerns.
- Still many questions remain unanswered.
The only way forward now, is a PUBLIC INQUIRY.

“Lives must be saved!”
“If we don’t truly know what led to a patient death, lessons cannot be learned.”
An Inquiry to identify what truly happened to cause the death of Matthew, who was failed by a system which ignored the warning signs of poor and unsafe care and put corporate self interest and cost control ahead of patients and their safety.
The Government needs to look at why the serious problems at the trust were not identified and acted on sooner, and important lessons must be learnt for the future of patient care.
Recommendations need to be made, designed to change this culture and make sure patients come first by creating a common patient centred culture across the NHS.
I’m just a mum. My son died. I need answers.
I have set up this petition. I need 100000 signatures just to get a response from Government.
100000, yes one hundred thousand, to have the case debated.
“I can’t do this alone.” And I didn’t have too
We succeeded.
Thankyou for helping me and Thankyou for helping me, to help others.
Melanie Leahy xx